Attract More Hummingbirds

Attract More Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds can be treasured backyard visitors, and many bird-lovers dream of attracting a glittering flock of hummingbirds to their yard. Fortunately, it can be fairly easy to attract more hummingbirds, and soon any yard can be a-flutter with these flying jewels.

Attracting Hummingbirds with Food

The quickest, easiest way to attract more hummingbirds is to offer them more enticing food choices. With plenty of food available, more hummingbirds will be able to visit without competing for every sip. There are three food sources hummingbirds especially enjoy…

  1. Natural Nectar – More hummingbird-friendly flowers are sure to attract more hummingbirds. Choose native blooms in bright, bold colors with tube-shaped blossoms to appeal to hummingbirds the most. Popular options include bee balm, columbine, petunia, cardinal flowers, salvia, zinnia, and butterfly bush.

  2. Nectar Feeders – Hummingbirds easily visit supplemental feeders, especially designs with red parts to catch their attention. Fill feeders with a sugar water solution of four parts water to one part table sugar, keep the nectar fresh so it is safe for the birds to drink, and clean feeders regularly. Space feeders out so more birds can easily visit.

  3. Insects – These tiny birds have huge appetites for gnats and other small insects. Insects provide a critical source of protein for the birds, especially during nesting season when young hummers need plenty of protein for healthy growth and development. Avoid using insecticides or pesticide sprays that would eliminate this essential food source.

If more food sources are available to hummingbirds, more of these tiny birds will happily visit.

Attracting Hummingbirds with Water

All birds need water, and while hummingbirds get all the dietary moisture they need from the nectar they sip, they still need fresh, clean water for bathing. Hummingbirds will not, however, visit deep bird baths, but instead prefer misters or sprays they can fly through for a quick shower. Aiming a mister or dripper at a broad, sturdy leaf will provide a stable surface for hummingbirds to rub against for a quick bath, and these birds will also visit shallow fountains that have bubblers to create an active water surface. Hummingbirds have even been seen flying through lawn sprinklers to bathe, and the sparkles of moving water in fountains and sprinklers can attract curious hummingbirds.

Attracting Hummingbirds with Shelter

When a hummingbird feels most comfortable, the bird will look for a safe place to rest and providing secure shelter can keep these birds nearby. Thorny shrubs are favorite nesting spots for hummingbirds, as the thorns will provide extra protection for a nest. Deciduous trees are other favorite spots, and these birds will also nest in strange places, such as on top of light strands, balanced on a clothesline, or nestled in a basketball net. Staying alert to hummingbird nests, which are only the size of a golf ball or ping pong ball, can help hummingbird-lovers note when these birds are taking up residence.

Catching Hummingbirds’ Attention

Hummingbirds won’t come to even the most bird-friendly yard if they don’t notice what makes the yard attractive. Catching these birds’ attention takes a bit of color and flair, but once they notice the yard, they will visit frequently. To catch hummingbirds’ eyes…

  • Add extra splashes of red, pink, and other bright colors in spots that will be visible to birds flying by. A red garden bench or gazing ball, a colorful garden flag, brightly decorated potted containers, rainbow windsocks, and other fun accents can quickly attract curious hummers.
  • Add even more flowers all around the yard. Hang pots from hooks or arbors, install simple window boxes, or plant bold annual blooms as edging along the driveway, sidewalk, or pathways. Even better if the flowers are rich with nectar to feed hummingbirds!
  • Minimize predators and other risks that can keep hummingbirds away from attractive yards. Keep cats indoors, install baffles around feeders to keep predators away, and keep bees and wasps away from feeders where they may be a risk to hummingbirds.

Get Neighbors Involved to Attract More Hummingbirds

An even more fun way to attract more hummingbirds to your yard is to get the entire neighborhood involved. Offer hummingbird-friendly gifts to neighbors to welcome them when they move in, to celebrate a holiday or special occasion, or just as neighborly kindness. A gift of a feeder, flower seeds, or potted flowers ready for planting can get more people involved in attracting hummingbirds to the area, and soon the whole neighborhood will enjoy flocks of these fun fliers.

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